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Working Together to Create Memories

By Félix Fortier, Grade 12
随着这个学年接近尾声,我慢慢地准备离开ManBet手机客户端,成为一个年轻的成年人, I find myself reflecting on my experiences here. 我希望这次演讲能够启发那些明年将留在这里的人,让他们知道如何在明年和未来的150年里迎接新学生.

When I first registered for Stanstead College, I had some understanding of what to expect from a boarding school, having attended several presentations with my parents. However, there were still uncertainties about what awaited me. Upon arriving at the school, 我发现斯坦斯特德位于美国边境附近的一个偏远小镇,学生人数相对较少.

我还了解到,学术和体育项目是具有挑战性的,在魁北克或加拿大是最好的. As someone from a French-speaking background, I knew I would have to make significant daily adjustments. Although I was unaware of who my teachers, 同学们, teammates or roommate would be, I was eager to begin my journey at the school.

In the weeks leading up to the first day of school, my family and I prepared everything I needed, from school uniforms to books and personal items. 当我出发去大学的时候,我经历了一些紧张和积极的焦虑.

我记得在戴维斯之家度过的第一个晚上,我在走廊里听到一个主任在尖叫, “旅游! 上床睡觉!”

Yes, I was really scared at that moment and wondered who was that guy? And what I was doing here? But little did I know how close I would become to Mr. 马里诺. 他只是让我在斯坦斯特德经历难忘的众多教职员工之一.

回首往事,我意识到时间过得有多快,我们随着时间的推移进化了多少. The pandemic has impacted us all on many levels, 但我相信“坚韧”这个词准确地描述了今天站在这里的所有人.

尽管面临诸多挑战,我还是很快融入了ManBet手机客户端的社区. 我了解了学校的规则,期望和时间表,午餐,运动,学习时间和宵禁.

Moreover, I got to know the faculty members, teachers, students and staff. 学校教会了我礼仪和保护传统的重要性. 作为独生子, 我惊喜地发现,我很容易就和学校里的人建立了联系, who became like a second family to me. 我关心他们中的每一个人,并且可以肯定地说,他们是使这所学校如此独特和特别的重要因素.

Regardless of our backgrounds, strengths or weaknesses, I have come to respect every member of the community. 我亲眼目睹了许多学生的个人承诺,使每个人在ManBet手机客户端的经历都令人难忘.

我学到了宝贵的一课:集体的努力包括给予和接受, and one cannot work without the other. 约翰·F. 肯尼迪说:“不要问你的国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为你的国家做什么。." I believe this quote applies to my experience at Stanstead College.

For the next 150 years, 我建议未来第一次进入这些高墙的学生问问自己, "Ask not what Stanstead College can do for you, ask what you can do for Stanstead College.通过这样做, 他们会让自己度过一生中最美好的时光,并拥有一种终生的社区意识.

To end, I would like to say “THANK YOU”. Thanks to the Stanstead College community for welcoming me with open arms. I consider all of you my teammates and leave you with the rallying call, “曾经是斯巴达人, 永远是斯巴达人!"
